The Informed LL.M. Era

Last night, Adithya Reddy posted on LinkedIn suggesting foreign lawyers practicing in the U.S. consider hiring immigration lawyers. You can read the full story here. Having worked with Adithya in my Pre-LL.M. Program for incoming UF Law international LL.M. students and regularly while he was an LL.M. student as the advisor for international LL.M. students,Continue reading “The Informed LL.M. Era”

Language Corner, LL.M. Inclusion, and a 2021-22 Highlight

I’ve thought a lot about law student community throughout my career, but that focus took on new meaning during the pandemic. One of my favorite professional activities in 2021-22 has been Language Corner. Language Corner has been a place for our multilingual J.D. and LL.M. students to come together and has already evolved since ourContinue reading “Language Corner, LL.M. Inclusion, and a 2021-22 Highlight”

A Culture of Caring

Non-J.D. Programs is a broad term to refer to the umbrella of “other programs” a U.S. law school has other than its J.D. program, including LL.M. degrees for foreign-educated & domestic lawyers & law school graduates (my focus is primarily on the former, though I’ve added some work with the latter at my current job).Continue reading “A Culture of Caring”

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